Grant County’s Most
Commonly Found Noxious Weeds
The following 13 weeds are Grant County's most commonly found noxious weeds:

Dalmatian toadflax
Linaria dalmatica ssp. dalmatica
Yellow flowers, looks like a snapdragon
Waxy, heart-shaped leaves
Short lived perennial

Jointed goatgrass
Aegilops cylindrica

Knapweed, Russian
Rhaponticum repens
Pink or purple flowers
Underground rhizomes

Knapweed, diffuse
Centaurea diffusa
Highly branched stem
White or Pink flowers
Long taproot

Bassia scoparia
Green, very branchy annual
Can reach heights of 7 ft tall
Develops into "tumbleweed"

Longspine sandbur
Cenchrus longispinus

Loosestrife, purple
Lythrum salicaria
Purple flowers
Grows in wet areas
Tribulus terrestris
Yellow flowers
Grows flat to the ground
Sharp spikes on seeds

Rush skeletonweed
Chondrilla juncea
Yellow flowers
Stick like plant, only basal leaves
Rosette looks similar to Dandelion

Tamarix ramosissima
Thistle, Canada
Cirsium arvense
Purple flowers
Spines on stems and leaves
Smaller flower heads than Bull Thistle

White cockle
Silene latifolia