Bee-U-tify seed packets are now available for your planting needs. These packets contain a custom blend of pollinator friendly wildflower seeds for eastern Washington. Please feel free to contact our office at (509) 754-2011, Ext 4710, to have your free seed packet mailed to you!
The Eastern Washington seed mix includes the following species:
* Annual Sunflower, Helianthus annuus, 10%
* Arrowleaf balsamroot, Balsamorhizasagittata, 10%
* Blanketflower, Gaillardia aristata, 18%
* Blue Flax, Linum lewisii, 17%
* Camas, Camas quamash, 7%
* Showy Milkweed, Asclepias specious, 18%
* Munro Globe Mallow, Sphaeralcea munroana, 9%
* Oregon Sunshine, Eriophyllum lanatum, 1%
* Silky lupine, Lupinus sericeus, 9%
* Western Yarrow, Achillea millefolium, 1%